Program structure

Training offer 2021-2025

TRUST offers a first-year (M1) and second-year (M2) Master program. It is possible to apply only to the second-year master.

The M1 is mainly thought in French, while the M2 is mainly thought in English. For the M2, a B1-B2 language proficiency in French is required.

First-year Master (M1)

Almost exclusively thought in French, the M1 has a strong common core curriculum shared with other Urbanism and Planning’s masters.

Details concerning the teaching units for each semester are given below.

Semester 1

M1 Trust program specific Teaching Units:
  • Development: Beyond the North-South divide 
  • Solidarités et territoires
  • Montage de projets en coopération internationale
  • A workshop that will take place in Grenoble on social and solidarity themes

Semester 2

M1 Trust program specific Teaching Units:
  • Pouvoirs et dynamiques urbaines

Second-year Master (M2) - option with internship

Please note: course titles are displayed in the language of teaching.

For the students interested in taking the "apprenticeship option", please check the web page in French.

Please note : The pace of studies is mainly organised in sessions of one or two weeks of 35 hours of classes per month + 3 weeks of additional classes for students on initial training between these sessions.

Semester 3, Teaching Units (TU)

TU Theories for studying urban transformations (9 ECTS)
  • Sustainable transformations: concepts and methods
  • Enjeux sociaux des transformations urbaines
  • Héritages et communs
  • Récits transformatifs
TU Challenges and strategies for sustainable cities (9 ECTS)
  • Management of urban transformations, challenges and risks 1
  • Management of urban transformations, challenges and risks 2
  • Perspectives globales sur l'habitat et le foncier / Global perspectves on housing and land
  • Cities of the Global South: land, housing and services

TU Transformative practice in professional context (12 ECTS)
  • Workshop 1
  • Workshop 2
  • Représentations visuelles et cartographiques / Visual and cartographic representations
  • Local building cultures for sustainable and resilient human settlements
  • Au choix: Anglais / ou / Français langue étrangère (FLE) / ou / Langue étrangère vivante

TU Individual professional and research plan (3 ECTS)
  • Internship preparation
  • Research methods and techniques
  • Methodology of Master Thesis
  • Academic writing/Atelier d'écriture scientifique

Semester 4

TU Internship (15 ECTS)
  • 3 to 6 months internship in France or abroad
  TU Master's thesis (12 ECTS)
Published on  March 15, 2021
Updated on September 11, 2024