Lecturers in French universities are, in most cases, also researchers. As such, they are members of the research centres of the Université Grenoble Alpes.
Lecturers involved in the Master program TRUST conduct their research mainly in the Pacte laboratory, a social science research centre, or in Larhra, a contemporary history research centre.
Lecturers involved in the Master program TRUST conduct their research mainly in the Pacte laboratory, a social science research centre, or in Larhra, a contemporary history research centre.
Permanent teaching staff
Cristina Del Biaggio, co-director of the TRUST Master program
Geographer, assistant professor at the Institut d'urbanisme et de géographie alpine (IUGA)Topics: Migrations, refugees, borders
Affiliation to the research center: PACTE, team "Social justice"
Adriana Diaconu, co-director of the TRUST Master program
Urban planner, assistant professor at the Institut d'urbanisme et de géographie alpine (IUGA)Topics: housing policies, home-related vulnerabilities, social urban projects, European comparisons
Affiliation to the research center: PACTE, team "Justice sociale"
Karine Basset
Historian and anthropologist, assistant professor at the Institut d'urbanisme et de géographie alpine (IUGA)Topics: Narratives of territories, heritage, utopias, memories, imaginaries and topographies of otherness
Affiliation to the research center: LARHRA, team "Territoire, Environnement, Santé"
Kirsten Koop
Geographer, assistant professor at the Institut d'urbanisme et de géographie alpine (IUGA)Topics: development, globalisation and marginalization, poverty, exclusion, transitions, transformative social innovations
Affiliation to the research center: PACTE, team "Villes & Territoires"
Jean-Michel Roux
Urban planner, assistant professor at the Institut d'urbanisme et de géographie alpine (IUGA)Topics: teaching of urban planning workshops, urban history, cities's words, sports facilities
Affiliation to the research center: PACTE, team "Villes & Territoires"
Fanny Vuaillat
Geographer and urban planner, assistant professor at the Institut d'urbanisme et de géographie alpine (IUGA)Topics: Urban geography, housing and dwelling, securization of residential spaces, urban experience
Affiliation to the research center: PACTE, team "Justice sociale"
Other teachers - second-year Master (2021-2022)
- Nicolas Buclet, Institut d'urbanisme et géographie alpine (IUGA) and Research lab Pacte
- Laure Criqui, independent
- Luca Daconto, Università degli studi di Milano - Bicocca
- Jean-Christophe Dissart, Institut d'urbanisme et géographie alpine (IUGA) and Research lab Pacte
- Emilie Etienne, Research lab Pacte
- Philippe Garnier, CRAterre
- Théo Maurette, PhD student, Research lab Pacte
- Stéphane Héritier, Institut d'urbanisme et géographie alpine (IUGA) and Research lab Pacte
- Marta Pappalardo, Institut d'urbanisme et géographie alpine (IUGA) and Research lab Pacte
- Frédéric Santamaria, Institut d'urbanisme et géographie alpine (IUGA) and Research lab Pacte
- Noa Schumacher, PhD student, research lab AAU
- Kamila Tabaka, Institut d'urbanisme et géographie alpine (IUGA) and Research lab Pacte
- Josselin Tallec, Institut d'urbanisme et géographie alpine (IUGA) and Research lab Pacte
- Pascale Trompette, Research lab Pacte
Published on March 15, 2021
Updated on June 24, 2021
Updated on June 24, 2021